Cosmolux S pink 15W -25stk.

Artikkelnr.: WS 17035

Prisen som er oppgitt er for en pakke med 25 rør, rørene selges ikke enkeltvis.

PrisNOK3 093,75 inkl. mva.



Length (nom.)

288,0 mm

Length without pins (max.)

288,3 mm

Length base - pin (min.)

293,0 mm

Length base - pin (max.)

295,4 mm

Length with pins (max.)

302,5 mm

Diameter (max.)

16,0 mm



Electrical Data

Supply voltage:


230 V +/-0,2%

Ballast (nominal):

15W / 230V

Lamp wattage (nominal):

13 W +/-5W

Lamp current (nominal)

395 mA

Lamp voltage (nominal)

40 V +/-10V

Physical Data

UVA Irradiance (315 - 400 nm)¹


4,0 W/m² +/-10%

UVB Irradiance (280 - 315 nm)¹

130 mW/m² +/-10%

UVB/UVA ratio


Eer (250 - 400 nm)¹

21 mW/m² +/-15%


Recommended useful life: 500 Hours

Lamp Specifications

(typical values acc. IEC / EN 61228

Specifiedballast:                          Cosmopower S 15W /230V


-   Lamppower(typical)                                                    13W

-   Lampcurrent(typical)                                                395mA

-   Lampvoltage(typical)                                                    40V


-   UV-erythem (250 - 400nm)                                    24mW/m²

- NMSC (250 -320nm)                                            32mW/m²

- NMSC (321 -400nm)                                              3mW/m²

f)        Aquivalencycode                                               15-O-24/10,2

¹ acc. IEC measured in a distance of 25 cm to the lamp axis under stable operating conditions