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Pris på ny solseng - 288 000 kr + MVA
Brukt - 78 400kr + MVA
Luxura X10 clearly one of the most sophisticated product within the Luxura range of sunbeds. Its combination of cool design and powerful efficiency offers an extraordinary tanning experience.
The spacious tunnel also offers that extra bit of comfort. While tanning with the closed canopy, the sunbather has lots of space to feel comfortable and free.
Smartvoice voice guidance
SoundAround Plus
My MP3 (MP3-player/smartphone connection)
Xsens III
AirCo airconditioning system
Qsens refreshing water mist
230 VOLT.
VEKT: CA 450 KG, LENGDE: 2,32 M, BREDDE: 1,44 M, HØYDE: 1,43 M